Summer hours start on April 1st
You can keep up-to-date with everything that's happening at our restaurant and bar by joining our private Facebook group ...

We're Recruiting!
Our caterers, L&M Catering, are on the lookout for a breakfast chef here at Silverdale Golf Club. If you are looking for a new venture...
Final Results from 2021/2022 Winter League
Please see final results in summary James Taylor & Kane Cleland won the Doubles Ricky Nelson won the singles Please click on link below...

Am-Am Open Saturday 16 April
Our next open is on Saturday 16 April. Its an Am-Am for teams of four (any gender) with two to score on every hole. (Stableford) If you...

Seniors raise £192 for Pro's Charity
The photo shows Mrs. Marilyn Hurt, regional organiser from the Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund, with a few of our Seniors. She is holding a...

Our New Picnic Tables
Next time you visit Silverdale Golf Club, you will see two new picnic tables on the sun terrace. These have been donated to the Club by...
Results from Week 23 Winter League 20/3/22
For full results please click link below https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qUMtcyKdngfuYHCf46OvbOSqjU_YFTWz/view?usp=sharing With 1 week...

"Ukraine" Coffee Morning raises £1270
On Monday 14th March, 85 people attended the coffee morning at the clubhouse of Silverdale Golf Club. The event was organized by our...
Results from Winter League Wk 22 13th March
It's getting close at the top Please click on link below for results from week 22 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SE-jdCxGno5pP3CuVUCk7e...