Easter Competitions

Introducing our Captains

Introducing our new Steward, Lee Ellis
Hi Lee, welcome to Silverdale Golf Club. Tell us where you were before you joined us? I have been in the hospitality sector for over 18...

Final Winter Open now 24 March
Unfortunately due to an overnight drenching the final Winter Open had to be postponed on 10 March. This has now been rescheduled for...

Martin Lawson wins 19-28 Cumbrian Alliance Trophy
On Sunday 4 March in challenging conditions at Ulverston Golf Club, one of our members, Martin Lawson won the 19-28 Trophy when he shot...

Winter Series Leaderboard
#Members #Visitors

Friends of Silverdale AGM Notice

Lunesdale League Team Recruitment
As well as the entry sheet shown here, sheets have also gone up for entry into the singles and doubles knock-out competitions. #Members