Silverdale Golf Club present a Celebration of Simon & Garfunkel performed live by the fantastic Tim Chu and Ian Bailey. Tickets...

Pro's Charity Day raises £420
The photo shows David Sutcliffe handing over a cheque for £420 to Marilyn Hurt, Regional Representative of Lennox Children's Cancer Fund....

Winter Opens announced
#Members #Visitors
Silverdale win Lunesdale League
They had to wait until the re-arranged fixture was played between Lancaster and Grange-over-sands, but when Grange only managed 3 points,...

Pro's Prize (Charity) Competition Sat 18 August
On Saturday 18th August, we will be holding an individual Stableford competition, in support of the Lennox Children’s Cancer Fund, for...

Facebook Competition
Because we are so proud of how good our greens are this year, we have launched a Facebook Competition to allow visitors to our Facebook...

The 2018 Club Champion is Jeff Farrow
Mr. Captain was on hand on Sunday Evening to present the Club Championship Trophy to Jeff Farrow. Jeff's 36 hole gross of 150 was just...

Live Music starts Thursday 5 July
#Social #Members #Visitors

Golf, Beer & Music Festival - we are ready!
Lee Ellis our Club Steward and his team are all set for the start of our Festival week. The real ale bar has been built and connected up...

Macmillan Longest Day (72 Hole) Challenge
If you are on the course today (Saturday 30 June) then chances are you will come across the Silverdale Hillbillies or the Silversurfers....