Free Social Membership
Our free Social Membership offer is going well. Quite a few local residents have signed up to enjoy the benefits that come with it....

Busy weekend ahead

Free Social Membership

Live Music starts Thursday 5 July
#Social #Members #Visitors

Golf, Beer & Music Festival - we are ready!
Lee Ellis our Club Steward and his team are all set for the start of our Festival week. The real ale bar has been built and connected up...

Ladies Golf
Calling all Ladies looking for a challenge in life then get into golf in the beautiful surroundings of SGC. Call David Sutcliffe at the...

The World Cup
Now England have qualified you won't want to miss the game against Belgium on Thursday 28th June KO 7pm. So come to Silverdale Golf Club...

Opening Hours and Forthcoming Events
#Social #Visitors

Joint Captains' Day Report
We were very lucky to have such wonderful weather for Captains’ Day on Saturday 9 June. The course had been prepared very well by Mark,...

Joint Captains' Day Photos
#Social #Members