Results of Winter League - Week 2
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Paddleboard Challenge Completed!
One of our members, Dave Knight, has completed a year-long challenge today. His challenge was to stand up paddleboard every day for a...

Prize Presentation Evening Friday 12th November
Don't forget to put your names down for the prize presentation dinner. Last year we couldn't have a prize presentation evening, so this...

Winter Mats, Golf & SGC
The course opened at 1100hrs this morning but no buggies. Please read the below bulletin from the Board

Winter Mats start on 1st November
From Monday 1st November no play is allowed from our fairways unless the ball is on a fairway mat. This rule will be kept in place...

Bar & Catering Hours
Until new caterers are appointed, we are dependant on volunteers to open our Bar and Catering at Silverdale Golf Club. We have arranged...

Oktoberfest starts on Thursday 21st October
Our Oktoberfest starts on Thursday 21st and runs until Sunday 24th October, so please come along and join us to enjoy our combination of...

Results of 1st Winter Open Sat 9th Oct Click on above link to see full results 112 competed...