Photo Group Vote - the results
Our Facebook group "Silverdale Golf Club Photo Group" have been voting for a new cover photo. The winner was this lovely photo of the...

Results of the Seniors Open Monday 9th May
1st place - Kevan Abrahams & David Short - £80 voucher each from Clitheroe 2nd place - Peter Greaves & Ian Astley - £70 voucher each from...

Events in June
We have two events planned for consecutive evenings in June. On Friday 24th June we have a Wine Tasting Evening starting at 7:30 pm....

Group Lessons
Paul Woodhouse, PGA Professional is teaming up with David Sutcliffe to start group sessions at Silverdale Golf Club. There will be...

Results of the Spring Open Team Stableford
Saturday 16th April 1st place winning £55 voucher each Gordon Wright, Mike Jackson, Neil Cross & Mike Johnson 2nd place winning £45...

Three Videos
The first video is "11th Silverdale test". It starts at the rear of our 11th tee and takes you over the tee and down the 11th fairway....

Longest Day Challenge
Can you remember the longest day of 2021? That's when 16 Silverdale Members played 72 holes in one day to raise funds for Macmillan...

St John's Hospice Charity Day
The club are holding a Mixed Pairs 4BB Stableford as a qualifying competition for the St John's Hospice Charity Day on Saturday 7th May....

New Menu
Ring Linda or Mark on 01524 701300 ext:2 to book a table You can keep up-to-date with everything that's happening at our restaurant and...