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World Champion Greenkeeper!!

25 July 2016

We all know what a talented and hard working group of greenkeepers we have at Silverdale, but not everyone will know that we also have champion Cumberland Wrestlers!

We are very proud to have the Brocklebank brothers as part of our greens staff, lead by Mark Kippax.

Graham attended Dallam school and at the age of 17 (when he had learnt to drive) he joined our green keeping team alongside his elder brother Tom. He has been part of our team for 9 years.

Tom and Graham, along with their younger brother Ben (who also worked at the club last year) are all keen wrestlers. Graham started his wrestling career at the age of 8 and they are the 3rd generation of wrestlers coming from both parents’ side of the family.

Graham trains during the winter at the Kendal Wrestling Academy and has recently been featured on the TV programmes "Coast to Coast" and "Country File".

Cumberland wrestling is an ancient and well practiced tradition with events taking place in Cumbria and Northumberland.

This year Graham has achieved a fantastic feat in the World Championships by winning in no fewer than 3 different weights - 13, 14 and 15 stone categories.

We would like to congratulate Graham on this amazing result.

Ben, Graham and Tom - one for the family album!


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