Silverdale Rabbits

If you are a Silverdale Golf Club member with a handicap of 18 or over, you are a Silverdale Rabbit!
Rabbits can play in any Club competitions they choose to, but we have two that are reserved for us. These are the Rabbits Trophy (normally played over 36 holes at the same time as the Club championship) and the Dr. Franks knock-out.
We play friendly matches with other clubs over the summer months e.g. Morecambe, Heysham, Bentham and Casterton. The golf is always free (home or away), but you have to pay for your dinner after your match. The highlight of our year is the Diamond Trophy. This is an interclub competition hosted every year by Heysham and is normally contested by Heysham, Morecambe, Lansil, Bentham, Casterton and Silverdale. It is for 18+ handicappers and each Club is asked to send six Rabbits. On the day all 36 play a full handicap stableford and all six scores are added. The Club with the highest total wins the trophy.
Silverdale have won the Trophy 4 times – 1997 (no photo available), 2013 (white shirts), 2016 (blue shirts) and 2017 (yellow shirts).
From May to early July we run our “Diamond Trophy League”. Every qualifying competition is converted to stableford scoring for the entrants. The six players with the highest scores make the team. It’s the best five scores that count.
The Rabbits normally have a “jolly” in September. We favour the “Sunday Driver” package. (One round on a Sunday, dinner B&B and a second round on a Monday). This means that those still working only need to book one day off. In recent years we have been to Slaley Hall, Portal and Wychwood Park.
During the winter, Silverdale Rabbits can play in the 19-28 Cumbrian Alliance. Its £10 to join and £10 every time you play (11 courses). Most competitions are 4bbb, so you really need to arrange a travel buddy.
We have our own page on the Club website (see “Rabbits” under the “Members” tab) and a closed group on Facebook (currently 43 members).
All in all, Silverdale Golf Club has lots to offer “Rabbits”.