Golf, Beer & Music Festival Final Day Results

We held two Open Competitions on the final day.
A 4BBB for men only in the morning, and a Mixed 4BBB in the afternoon.
The morning four ball was won by
S Taylor & M Bainbridge each receiving £70 in vouchers.
3rd place was A Sutcliffe & G Crowther each winning £45 in vouchers.
2nd place was M Johnson & A Schofield winning £55 each. 4th was M Etherington & R Nelson winning £35 each
Nearest the pin on hole 2 was N Jones
Nearest the pin on hole 14 was K Mashiter
Each winning £18 there was 7 two's each winning
To see the full results list for the morning fourball click HERE
Afternoon Mixed was won by Ian & Lesley Williams both receiving £50 each in pro shop vouchers.
2nd place was J Birr & J Kenyon both receiving £30 in vouchers.
Nearest the pin on 18 was S Duckworth worth £18
Ian Wlliams had the only two worth £20.
For a full results list click HERE