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Course Update 19 May 2020

Course Reopening - Update Following the virtual meeting (ZOOM) earlier this evening, I would like to give you a further update :- 1) We will be playing eleven holes as from tomorrow Wednesday 20th May. Play from the 1st through to the 11th. Holes 12 to 18 will be rested. 2) From tomorrow, a member can invite one guest to play. The guest must play with the member. The Green Fee for the guest is £10, whilst we are playing eleven holes. 3) The fee will revert to £15, when we are playing the full 18 holes, which is still planned to be from Wednesday the 27th May. 4) The Practise area is not yet ready to open. It is hoped it will be ready by the 27th May, if sooner we will let you know. When it is open. please keep your time on the Practise ground to 45 minutes maximum and please register in the Pro's shop, either in person or by phone, speaking to David or Edwina before and after practise. It will be two only on the Practice ground to start with. We will monitor usage. 5) We will extend BRS tee booking to 7pm, to give those who are working at least a chance to get out on the course. Initially tee bookings from 6pm to 7pm will be for members only. 6) Playing the 1st to the 11th, the tunnel under the railway will come back into use going out and coming back. We must maintain Social Distancing, so there should be no passing in the tunnel. Golfers entering from the 10th will have right of way, they have less visibility with the corner ! they should announce themselves "COMING THROUGH" before they get to the tunnel entrance and if any golfers are coming from the 2nd to the 3rd hole, those golfers will give way. Remember a "two ball" is still the maximum grouping permitted and Social Distancing is still an imperative, lets continue to do it ! Enjoy your golf and please STAY SAFE, Best wishes Steve Abbott Captain Silverdale Golf Club


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