Autumn Open 4BBB results 5th Sept 2020

Here are the results of the above Open, thanks to all for supporting the event and to all who helped.
1st place with 47 pts Mike Johnson & Jon McHugh
£80 voucher each
2nd place with 44 pts Richard Denwood & Brian Kirk
£65 voucher each
3rd place with 42 pts Geoff Williams & Stuart Tinkler
£55 voucher each
4th place with 41 pts Gary Fischer & Robert Len Scarr £50 voucher each
5th place with 40 pts Keith Cordukes & Simon Ainsworth £40 voucher each
There were 3 two's each winning a £40 voucher each
All vouchers are redeemable at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop - 01524 701300 ext.3