Autumn Golf Festival Seniors Am-Am Open Result Monday 14th Sept

Here are the results of the Seniors Am-Am Open on Monday 14 September. Thanks to all for supporting the event and to all who helped.
1st place with 92 points Kevan Holden, John Douglas Keith Cordukes & Ian Rigg
(£60 voucher each)
2nd place with 86 points David Chapman Bryan Knowles Roger MayCock & Alan Jameson (£50 voucher each)
3rd place with 83 points G Pilling T Stanley D Bentley & G Byrne (£40 Voucher each)
4th place (ACPO) with 82 points P Winders N Hedges G Sands & J MacGowan (£30 voucher each).
If you had a two and entered the twos' pool you can claim £20
All vouchers are redeemable at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop - 01524 701300 ext.3