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Autumn Golf Festival Am-Am Open Result Friday 18 September

Another good weather day for our Am-Am Open on Friday 18 September. 13 teams competed in the "old favourite" format of teams of 4, 2 to score, but 3 to score on the par 3s.

Scoring was very good and the winners got 101 pts - they were Alan Heaton, Bernard Golding, Ben Crashley & Steve Bolton (£50 voucher each).

2nd place had 94 pts and they were Kevan Holden, Mark Etherington, Anthony Leonard and Andy Ideson (£35 voucher each)

3rd place had 91 pts and they were Mike Roberts, David Crayston, Stuart Tinkler & Rob Sloman (£20 voucher each).

Each two was awarded a £12 voucher

Just the Ladies Open on 19 September left in our Autumn Golf Festival, but bookings are now being taken for our 1st Winter Open on Saturday 10 October.

Vouchers can be redeemed at Silverdale Golf Club Proshop 01524 701300 ext.3


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