Captain's team vs President's team Sat. 12th March

Captain’s v President’s Team Challenge is decided by which team has the highest amount of Stableford points by playing a Better Ball Stableford 85% Handicap Allowance. This is a mixed event. Over the years this traditional season opener has been for the losing side to pay for the winning sides tea. There will be a seen draw for partners by the Captains and President on Thursday 10th March.
There will also be a competition to guess the length of drive of both the Captain and the Lady Captain from the first tee. £1 each to enter which will include a prize for each. Proceeds towards the Captains' Charity which this year will be the British Heart Foundation. Please enter on BRS to play this season opener and pay £10 into your competition purse by Wednesday the 9th of March. If you are in the winning team your £10 will remain in your purse . Mike Roberts will be in the clubhouse on the day to collect your £1 should you wish to guess the length of the Captain’s drive.
Please arrive in good time for the shotgun start at 12:30 allowing time to place your bets, be included in the group photographs and support the drive-ins.
After the scores are counted there will be a short presentation followed by a light meal.