Captain's v President's Team Challenge

Captain's v President's Team Challenge is decided by which team has the highest amount of Stableford points.
Over the years the tradition has been for the losing side to pay for the winning sides tea. This year was no different and Chefs provided us with an excellent Takeaway Barbecue and the Captains kindly supplied us with liquid refreshments.
The Results : Captain's team = 548 pts
President's team = 560 pts
Therefore President's team wins by 12 pts.
Those who played for the Captain's team can expect their competition purse to be reduced by £10.
In addition there was guess the length of both Captains drives off the 1st Tee. Proceeds to the Captains Charities.
Winner was Keith Cordukes who guess both drive distances. Captain's Drive that Keith guessed exactly was 251 yds. Lady Captain's drive was 146 yds for which Keith estimated 144 yds. Keith wins a bottle of Stormy Bay Gin that was kindly donated by Jonathan Barker (new member) who owns Bay Distillery.