Check out our Spring Open Results from Saturday 17th April

Over 120 played in SGC's first Open of the season. A 4 Person Team, 2 to count Stableford.
Two mixed Teams were 1st & 2nd both from Penwortham GC. Prizes went down to 5th place which were Teams made up from Silverdale.
Vouchers are as follows :-
1st Place - £70 each - Damian Mullen, Stephen Robinson, James Fazackerley, Susan Fazackerley
2nd Place - £60 each - Jeffrey Couperthwaite, Andrew Bradshaw, Darren Rayton, Rachel Rayton
3rd Place - £50 each - Ian Handley, Geoff Lindsay, Keith Porter, Neil Harvey
4th Place - £40 each - Gordon Wright, Mike Johnson, Anthony Leonard, Kane Cleland
5th Place - £30 each - Clint Jolley, James Cullen, Luke Ainsworth, Mark Holmes
There were 9 Two's. All vouchers redeemable at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop