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Club Championship Weekend

Despite all the rain we had early in the week, the weather was kind to us for our Club Championship weekend with our course set up in fantastic condition.

3 trophies are competed for over 36 holes, the Club Championship Trophy, The 2nd Division Trophy and the Rabbits Trophy. The photo opposite shows the trophies laid out ready to be presented.

Members with handicaps indexes from scratch to 11.4 competed for the Championship Trophy, 11.5 - 17.4 competed for the 2nd Division Trophy and those with 17.5 or more competed for the Rabbits Trophy.

The Club Champion is the lowest gross over 36 holes and once again Phil Mashiter won with a score of 142.

The photo shows Phil being presented with the trophy by our Club Captain, Andrew Schofield. You will see if you check our Honours Board that 142 is quite a low score and it was set up by Phil having a superb gross 66 on Saturday.

The 2nd Division trophy is again the lowest gross over 36 holes and Neil Dugdale took the trophy with a score of 162.

The photo shows Neil being presented with the trophy by Mr. Captain.

The Rabbits Trophy is the lowest net score over 36 holes and this was won by Shamus Gorton with a score of 131.

Congratulations to our winners and well played!



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