Pro's Charity Comp. Sunday 11 July

On Sunday 11 July our Professional, David Sutcliffe is hosting a competition with all proceeds going to his charity, Lennox Children's Cancer Care.
For Gents, its a white tees stableford with prizes for the winners of three balanced divisions.
Ladies can either enter a 9 hole or an 18 hole stableford competition.
Its £4 to enter (includes 2s) with all entry fees going to the charity. Winners prize vouchers will be donated by David Sutcliffe.
As well as entering the competition, you can support the charity by buying raffle tickets from Edwina. All proceeds will be added to the total raised and prizes will be donated by David and Edwina.
Lennox Children's Cancer Fund makes a positive difference to the lives of children fighting cancer. This is achieved through key projects, such as Respite Breaks and Care Grants, which support the whole family practically, financially and emotionally at a time when it is needed most.
Please show your support by playing in this competition and by buying raffle tickets from Edwina.