Results of Texas Scramble Open on Sat 27th May

Results of Team Texas Scramble
1st place - Margaret Roberts, Mike Roberts, Carl Davidson & Jo Jacomb
Score - 67 - 18 = 49. £45 voucher each
2nd place - Paul Noble, Gordon Wright, Tony Robinson & Neil Harvey
Score - 66 - 15 = 51. £35 voucher each
3rd place - Len Campey, Peter Hey, Tony O'Brian & John Frith (Outlane)
Score - 65 - 13 = 52. £25 voucher each
Nearest the Pins - £20 voucher each
2nd Hole - Curtis Wood (Morecambe) - 2ft
7th Hole - Paul Noble - 4.7 metres
14th Hole - Derek Stephenson - 33.25ins
18th Hole - Darrell Blower (Morecambe) - 4ft 4ins
All vouchers redeemable at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop
For full results please click HERE
Next Open Thursday 6th July which is also a Texas Scramble