Results of Texas Scramble Open Sunday 4th August
120 played in the Texas Scramble Open on Sunday with the
highlight of the day being a HOLE-IN-ONE on the 18th by
Byron Stephenson from Windermere. Well done Byron.

1st place - Net 52 Kane Cleland, Daniel Dixon, Alex Benson & Matty Harbinson
Each winning a £70 voucher
2nd place - Net 53 CPO John Denwood, Nick Burrow, Robert Sloman &
Andrew Ainsworth. Each winning a £60 voucher
3rd place - Net 53 CPO Anthony Spedding, Jack Woof, Dane Sanderson &
Brendan Halpin. Each winning a £50 voucher
4th place - Net 54 CPO Colin McGlue, Angela McGlue, Ian Warren &
Elizabeth Warren (Royal Lytham & St Annes) Each winning a £40 voucher
5th place - Net 54 CPO Paul Noble, Gordon Wright, Mark Holmes & Neil Harvey
Each winning a £30 voucher
Nearest the Pins - £50 voucher each
2nd hole - Daniel Dixon - 3 ins
7th hole - Jon McHugh - 10 ft
14th hole - Brendan Halpin - 4 ins
18th hole - Byron Stephenson - Hole-in-One (Windermere)
For full results please click