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Results of the 1st event in Golf Festival week.

6th July a Texas Scramble, course in immaculate condition,

greens praised by many visitors even through there were

some teasing pin positions.

The highlight of the day was Rob Jackson's Hole in One

on the 18th. Was it a 3 or a 5 wood, who knows !

Well done Rob and thanks for the whisky.

Now down to the results from the 100 players :-

In 1st place on a CPO with 72 - 21=51

Eddie and Kathryn Renshaw, Graham Whitaker (Longridge)

and Janet Whitaker (Whalley) Each winning a £60 voucher

In 2nd place on a CPO with 64 - 13=51

Neil Cross, Mark Etherington, Kevan Holden and Andrew Brough

Each winning a £50 voucher

In 3rd place on a CPO with 66 - 13=53

Liam Williams, Gavin Williams, Adam Cowperthwaite and

Lloyd Williams (Ulverston) Each winning a £40 voucher

In 4th place on a CPO with 70 - 17=53

Mike and Margaret Roberts, Carl Davidson and Jo Jacombs

Each winning a £30 voucher

In 5th place with 70 - 16=54

Derek Stephenson, Neil Jones, Daryl Vernon and Geoff Williams

Each winning a £20 voucher.

All vouchers redeemable at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop

Nearest the Pins -

2nd Hole - Fergus Healy (Leigh) 20 ins

7th Hole - Matthew Bowen (Monifieth) 13 ins

14th Hole - Andrew Hunter (Grange Park) 48 ins

18th Hole - Robert Jackson HOLE IN ONE

Each of the above winning a £35 voucher at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop.

For full results please click HERE



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