Results of the Seniors Open Monday 9th May

1st place - Kevan Abrahams & David Short - £80 voucher each from Clitheroe
2nd place - Peter Greaves & Ian Astley - £70 voucher each from Clitheroe & Rishton
3rd place - Michael Birchall & James Amos - £60 voucher each from Darwen
4th place - David Hodgson & Keith Singleton - £50 voucher each from Grange o Sands
5th place - Michael Pearce & David Beech - £40 voucher each from Silverdale & Wigan
6th place - A.W Hartley & Peter Kilgallon - £30 voucher each from Ghyll & Towneley
All vouchers redeemable at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop
Nearest the Pin on the 2nd - Stuart Tinkler - 2.4 metres
Nearest the Pin on the 7th - M. Chesterfield - 3.63 metres
Nearest the Pin on the 14th - James Amos - 1.2 metres
Nearest the Pin on the 18th - David Crayston - 92 cms
Each winning a £30 voucher redeemable at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop.
For full results Click the below link