Results of the Texas Scramble Open Thursday 7th July

1st Place - 61-13=48
Steven Hewitt, Jack Anthony Cain, Jaye Lewis Rigg, Ben Alexander Stridgeon - £70 each
2nd Place - 63-11=52
Phillip Mashiter, Geoff Casson, David Crayston, Anthony Robin Baines - £60 each
3rd Place - 66-13=53
Mark Saunders, Deon Houghton, Mark Riding, James Sheppard - £50 each
4th Place - 73-20=53
Carl Davidson, Jo Jacombs, Margaret Roberts (Lady Captain), Mike Roberts - £40 each
5th Place - 68-14=54
Malcolm Hayman, Michael Stokes, Shaun Connor, Ken Davidson - £30 each
The full results can be viewed here.
All prizes are in the form of vouchers that can be redeemed at Silverdale Golf Club Proshop