Results of Winter Open #6 Sat 5th March

110 played in our final Winter Open of the season on a bright dry day for a change.
It was close at the top with 4 pairs on 46pts.
1st - Andrew Morey & Gary Cooper from Penwortham £80 voucher each
2nd - Tony Daniel & Martin Lawson £70 voucher each
3rd - Chris Hogg & David Hogg £60 voucher each
4th - John Douglas & Nigel Barrow £50 voucher each
5th - Paul Whitehead & Ian Wood from Horwich £40 voucher each
6th - Neil Harvey & Gordon Wright £30 voucher each
Nearest the Pins - £40 vouchers each
2nd - Matthew Thompson - 75 cms
7th - James Cullen - 155 cms
14th - James Cullen - 159 cms
18th - Tony Smith - 1.6 m
All vouchers redeemable at Silverdale Golf Club Pro Shop
For full results please click below link