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Seniors Christmas Competition

Our Seniors have arranged a fun Christmas Competition for Tuesday 14th December. You can earn up to two mulligans - one if you are wearing a Christmas jumper and one if you are wearing a Christmas hat!

Mulligans can be used as follows - if you play a bad shot and want to retake it just say "mulligan" and your shot can be replayed without penalty.

The competition will be a single stableford and will be played off 95% of your yellow tees handicap. (Roll-up handicaps do not apply to this competition).

Currently we have prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th together with a "nearest the pin" prize on the 18th.

Entry is free for this competition and will be arranged like a "roll-up". This means that you should book on BRS but turn up from 9:30. Note: if you can't see any spaces, try clicking "1st tee", then switch to "12th tee" and you will see more spaces. The Balls will be drawn on the 12th tee at 9:50 and you will be allocated playing partners and your starting tee.

Mark is going to bake mince pies for us. These will be provided free of charge, but there will be an opportunity to donate loose change to the Captains' charities.



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