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Seniors Christmas Competition

36 Seniors turned up for our Christmas Competition. Mulligans were awarded – one for wearing a Christmas jumper and one for wearing a Christmas hat. What a great effort! 62 Mulligans were awarded with 49 being used during the competition. There was no benefit for not using them, it was a case of “use them or lose them”.

The weather was kind to us and we played on a drying course with all 18 summer greens in play. We had 8 bottles to give out for prizes. Three were left over from our Bottle Comp., and we thanked Doug Reynolds, Stuart Foulds and Robin Baines for donating bottles on the day. The first prizes were awarded for “Nearest the Pin”. Alec Cooper won for being nearest on 14 and Stuart Foulds for being nearest on 18 (3.46 m). We did the best 9’s next (not in the first 4). Best front 9 went to Dave Beech with 22 points. We were in the middle of doing card play-offs with three 23’s when Roger Sharples came in late on with 24 points to take the prize for best back 9.

The main prizes were awarded as follows: 4th on 41 points was Steve Abbott. Steve Porter was 3rd with 42 points. There were two 46 points today! 2nd place went to David Pike with a back 9 of 26 points, but our winner today with 46 points and a back 9 of 27 points was David Barnes. Well played guys, some really good golf played today.

There was still one prize left on the table and this went to the “busiest golfer”. Today it was David Mee (21 points). Hard luck David, hope you lose the shanks soon and thank-you for having the grace to accept the prize.

Today’s competition was free entry, but everyone was given the chance to make a charity donation. We are proud to announce that £114.45 was collected and split evenly between our Captain’s charity, St. John’s Hospice and our Lady Captain’s charity, Motor Neuron Disease.

A special mention goes to Mike Pearce who donated £20 of the total after he lost a bet with Clint Jolley. The bet was that Clint wouldn’t turn up in his Christmas suit and if you find the right photograph, you will see that Clint was indeed wearing it.

A good day was had by all – well done the Seniors!



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