Sponsor Opportunities

We currently have 2 opportunities for sponsorships on our fantastic course:
Slope Board: Our slope tables are displayed en route to our first tee. Most members and visitors stop to check their current handicaps before going to start their rounds.
2nd Tee: The 2nd tee sponsor board is one of the first things you see after you have crossed Red Bridge Lane. It is of modern tee furniture construction.
Included in the packages are:
- The sponsor’s company ad erected on the board
- An advert for the sponsor on the clubhouse tv
- A listing included on our “Business Partners” page on our website (with hyperlink to the sponsor’s website).
Slope Board:
12 Months £495 + v.a.t.
36 Months £990 + v.a.t.
2nd Tee:
12 Months £395 + v.a.t.
36 Months £890 + v.a.t.
Please e-mail your enquiry to info@silverdalegolfclub.co.uk
Or telephone or Proshop on 01524 701300 ext:3 for more information