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The Rabbits at Silverdale Golf Club

A few days ago, we posted the sheet for the Rabbits 1st match of the season, at home against Heysham Rabbits, to be played at SGC on Thursday 20th May. The first tee will be at 4:00pm. Two tees may be used, the 1st and the 12th. The match will be played off yellow tees.

As this is the first Rabbits game of the new golfing season and in fact the first for almost 18 months as we didn’t have any matches in 2020, it is worth repeating some of the text from the Rabbits section on the Club web-site.

“If you are a Silverdale Golf Club member with a handicap of 18 or over, you are a Silverdale Rabbit!

We play friendly matches with other clubs and your support is needed to ensure we can keep these friendlies going. The golf is always free, but you have to pay for your dinner after your match.

So, look out for the entry sheets going up in the men's locker room, being publicised on our web-site and on Facebook. It’s a great way to meet other golfers, play other courses and support your Club. “

So, if any of our new members, or longer standing members would like to play in or be considered for the Rabbits then please watch for the announcements and contact John Waugh or myself.

In addition to the friendlies there is also the Diamond Trophy, a Rabbits one day competition played for by Heysham, Lansil, Morecambe, Bentham, Casterton and SGC. The team is picked from a league table of Rabbits performances in various SGC competitions. Whatever the comp your score is converted to a Stableford points score purely for this purpose and when the Diamond Trophy is due to be played the top six players are selected. This year the DT is currently scheduled to be held at Bentham on Saturday 17th July.

So please get involved with the Rabbits section and let John or myself know if you can play in our first game on the 20th May or just add your name to entry sheet on the Rabbits Notice-board in the locker-room.

Thank you,

Steve Abbott

Here is a photograph of the Diamond Trophy. Silverdale have won it on 4 occasions: 1997, 2013, 2016 & 2017



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