Victory for Silverdale Ladies!

On Tuesday 25 May, 13 teams of lady golfers from all over Lancashire and South Cumbria competed for the Westmorland and NorthWest Lancashire Interclub Shield at Silverdale Golf Club. We are happy to announce that Silverdale were victorious. Our team of Sandy Armistead, Lynn Penswick, Carol Whalley, Sarah Bracewell, Carol McKendrick, Marie Motch and Bev Tabor won the shield.
After a card play-off (with our Sandy Armistead), Lynn Penswick also won the best net individual prize.
The Club are indebted to our Lady Captain, Kath Foulds, and her team of volunteers for making the day such a success. Kath reported the result on our Facebook Photo Group page:
"We are delighted to announce that Silverdale Ladies today have won the Westmorland and North West Lancs Interclub Shield. Lynn Penswick won the overall nett individual after a CPO with Sandy Armistead. Many congratulations to Lynn and our team. Lynn finished off with a long putt for 2 on the 18th. A fantastic achievement for our ladies since they were playing against the best players in the areas (a number of ladies with + handicaps) A brilliant day."
In another post, she went on to thank everyone involved in making the day such a success:
"So many people helped to make today a huge success, congratulations to our team, grateful thanks to all the willing helpers from Seniors and Ladies etc. Also to the brilliant catering staff who served breakfast and then over 120 meals today, the course once again in superb condition after all the hard work by our wonderful greenkeepers. Months of hard work - all worth while, THANK YOU ALL.