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What are our Seniors up to now?

"Beyond the St. Valentine's Day Massacre" is a fun singles stableford competition for Senior Members to be held on Tuesday 15th February. It will be run similar to a roll-up (except it is £2 entry for this one) with balls drawn for your playing partners at 9:50 on the 12th tee followed by a multi-tee start. Competitors must book a slot on BRS.

Mulligans are back! This time you are asked to buy them at £1 each (maximum of two per player) and all the proceeds from selling mulligans will be donated to the Pro's charity, Lennox Children's Cancer Fund.

Our Pro, David Sutcliffe, has kindly donated a bottle of whisky. This will go to whoever is "nearest the pin" (probably on our 18th hole). Thank-you David!

We are hoping to have 5 prizes (depending on numbers) and these will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd as well as best front and best back nines (not already in the top three). There may even be a booby prize, let's wait and see.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll agree that it sounds like fun!



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