Why are our greens so good?

Up until recently you may have thought that our greens were good due to the hard work and know-how of our greenkeepers, but we have recently purchased a greens iron that we think will make them even better.
Its a Torro 1260 roller (tandem) greens iron and many benefits are listed by the manufacturers. To summarise though, you use this machine to smooth the greens to ensure good speed and true rolls. In certain circumstances the use of this machine can prevent damage to the greens and allow us to maintain speed and trueness even after they have been treated.
Our Club Captain, Andy Schofield said "I think we are already seeing an improvement this early in the season. The ball seems to be rolling smoother and truer. We will see further improvements once the growing season kicks in. The lads will cut the greens with the new pedestrian mowers and then iron them. The purchase of this machine is definitely a game-changer for Silverdale Golf Club".
Here is a short video of the greenkeepers using the new machine on our 6th green